payer.phoneStringPhone number of the payer.Yes payer.documentNumberDocument of the payer.Yes order_idNumberID of the capture given by the merchant in their system. Think of it as an external ID of the capture.No notification_urlStringNotifications will be sent in every change of status of a...
Fields included:Company Name, Address, Phone, Email, Website, Business Category... and more * Not all entries are filled with each field DOWNLOAD NOW US$ 350 Pay Online by Credit Card (through Paypal) Share ON (You will receive an instant email confirmation of your order together with a ...
The messages were scheduled by the platform to be sent immediately to the patient's phone number and the phone number of the referring health facility once the results were submitted to the server. Patients received messages to phone number they provided to laboratory and clinical staff at the ...
BARCODE REGISTRATION. Allows your product to be discoverable worldwide. All smartphones made in 2023 and beyond are built with barcode scanners using the camera. Now pointing the phone camera on your barcode will make your product details visible across the globe. ...
Phone Number Company/Organisation Name* Each jobcosts UGX50,000for standard package,UGX100,000for premium package,UGX150,000forPremium + Priority DistributionPackage, andUGX250,000Enterprise Applicant System package. You can save time with ourShortlistingand get quality staff that solve your customer...
Instead, they will be encouraged to access protection services and will be offered a follow-up with a social worker via the phone. Referrals for intimate partner violence will be made by an outcome assessor where the participant discloses potential intimate partner violence on the UN multi-...
When you try calling her, the phone is not going through, or it is a Tanzanian line…You find it very hard to get those people. –Peer Health Worker, Health Center IV. While clinicians reported average specimen processing times of 4–6 weeks, these additional bottlenecks could delay ...
Ethical approval was granted by The AIDS Support Organisation Research Ethical Committee (Reference number TASO-REC/066/19-UG-REC-009). Prior to any enrolment to the study, informed and verbal consent was sought and obtained from study participants through phone calls. Signed consent was not ...
Eligible participants were invited to the HIV clinic through a phone call where they were screened, consented, and enrolled. A trained study team member conducted an interview with the participant and completed a questionnaire to record demographic information, symptoms, risk factors and the relevant...
After the camera has been paired via Bluetooth® to the Imaging Edge Mobileapp installed on a compatible mobile phone or tablet device, it can acquire and record location data from the mobile device. The acquired location data can also be used to...