EELLEEPPHHAANNTTØ Direct appoint position EE EEUnder the idle state, customer can enter the work piece's Coordinate correspondingly BBLLUU BBLLUUin" direct appoint position edit frame", after carriage return is entered, the system will control the machine knife to move to the appointed ...
On a test piece using the jig create a groove. Using your binding test the fit. The edge of the binding should be a tiny bit proud on all sides. Adjust until it is perfect. Next to the same with the purfling. It should sit proud toward the top of the guitar but fit perfectly in ...
The Elmos sat down with a series of tiny thumps. Suzanne found herself applauding. “That was amazing,” she said. “Really impressive. So that’s what you’re going to do for Kodacell, make these things out of recycled toys?” Lester chuckled. “Nope, not quite. That’s just for ...