如果未指定,默认是inufw allow in http # 许可访问本机http端口 ufw reject out smtp # 禁止访问外部smtp端口,不告知“被防火墙阻止” ufw deny out to # 禁止本机192.168.1.1对外访问,告知“被防火墙阻止” ufw delete deny 80/tcp # 要删除规则,只要在命令中加入delete就行了 实例 设置允许访问...
You may then delete rules using the number. This will delete the first rule and rules will shift up to fill in the list. sudo ufw delete 1 Insert numbered rule sudo ufw insert 1 allow from <ip address> Advanced Example Scenario:You want to block access to port 22 from and...
ufw [--dry-run] [rule] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out [on INTERFACE]] [log|log-all] [proto PROTOCOL] [from ADDRESS [port PORT]] [to ADDRESS [port PORT]]路由[删除][插入 第行] 允许\拒绝\拒绝并提示\限制 [数据 进入\发出[网络接口]][记录\全记录] [协议 **...
sudo ufw deny|allow|reject方向方向是指:incoming(向内)|outgoing(向外) sudo ufw default deny|allow incoming设置默认全部拒绝|允许外部访问 sudo ufw allow ssh|22设置外部(tcp|udp)运行链接22端口 sudo ufw allow 80/tcp设置允许(tcp)访问80端口
$ sudo ufw allow http/udp 要補充的是,這邊的規則預設都是”連入“的行為, ufw 其實可以在 deny / allow 後面接上 in / out 來表示連入或連出,如果你不想要你的電腦可以夠過標準的 http /httpsport 連線到期他網站,可以參考這樣的範例: $ ufw deny out http ...
sudoufw allowinon eth0 这个规则将只允许通过eth0接口的传入流量,其他接口的流量不会受到影响。 4.5 通过 UFW 进行日志记录 UFW 提供了日志功能,用于记录防火墙的活动。启用日志记录后,系统将记录所有符合已设置规则的连接尝试。你可以使用以下命令启用日志记录: ...
Although you can use interface names like ufw allow 22 on eth0 independently, the picture fits together quite well when we use route along with it. $ufw route allowinon eth0 out on docker0 to any The above rule, for example, forwards incoming requests from eth0 (ether...
You may then delete rules using the number. This will delete the first rule and rules will shift up to fill in the list. sudo ufw delete 1 Insert numbered rule sudo ufw insert 1 allow from <ip address> Advanced Example Scenario:You want to block access to port 22 from and...
sudoufw allowinon eth0 这个规则将只允许通过eth0接口的传入流量,其他接口的流量不会受到影响。 4.5 通过 UFW 进行日志记录 UFW 提供了日志功能,用于记录防火墙的活动。启用日志记录后,系统将记录所有符合已设置规则的连接尝试。你可以使用以下命令启用日志记录: ...
When working with remote servers, you’ll want to make sure that the SSH port is open to connections so that you are able to log in to your server remotely. The following command will enable the OpenSSH UFW application profile and allow all connections to the default SSH port on the serv...