UFO Sightings In Illinois For 2023 It's been a banner year so far in 2023 for UFO sightings in Illinois. There have already been 31 reports from witnesses to the Pentagon. They categorize them as unexplained anomalous phenomena or UAP. The National UFO Reporting Center keeps track of the st...
UFO reports, UFO sightings, UFO activity, UFO photos, and UFO videos as they are reported on our intuitive map
*U* UFO Database: Maps and Statistics of 18,552 filtered UFO sightings worldwide, for all dates.Larry Hatch
Among the other projects being developed by PMS are the design of equipment to measure and record abnormalities in electrical fields and equipment to handle radio frequency interference. “In many cases of UFO sightings, we have received reporters about considerable interference with radio and TV sets...