[4K]最清晰的UFO,距离相机3米,美国新泽西州.奇闻 科学 科普 奇闻 生活记录 科普 军队 ET alien New Jersey USA UAP orbGabberBeastTV 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 54.1万 130 00:19 App 疑似被击落UFO拉去安全区的路上被路人拍下 26.1万 380 00:35 App 24年最新UFO目击视频出现了...
探索宇宙一直是个挺吸引人的话题,而据美国媒体9月18日报道,在美国新泽西州(New Jersey)因为UFO引发了一场恐慌,然而真相可能并非我们想象的那样。在一个平淡无奇的周六晚上,新泽西州的星空璀璨,然而一道道灯光穿梭其中,让人不禁猜疑是否外星人来访。这些灯光按规则完美地排列着飞过天空,让人们怀疑这可能是外星...
07:19 加利福尼亚州欧申赛德市发现巨大雪茄形状的不明飞行物UFO悬停在海面上。美国 UFO cigar ET Alien UAP orb USA 外星人 奇闻 太空 07:09 2025 年 2 月 20 日 美国新泽西州仍有 UFO New Jersey USA multiple UAP orbs Alien ET 外星人 奇闻 太空 08:37 印尼...
We'll leave it up to you to decide what you think is up in the sky, but let's all remember this. The days of rolling your eyes at every UFO report you hear might just be over. Maybe, just maybe, we are not alone. Check Out Thes Beautiful New Jersey Places Some of the most b...
UAPs, or as they were known for years, UFOs are nothing new to New Jersey. The Garden State has been famous for sightings since the early UFO sighting days. The History Of UFOs In New Jersey We have heard about sightings since the spaceships of Orson Welles's fictitious War of the Worl...
UAPs, or as they were known for years, UFOs are nothing new to New Jersey. The Garden State has been famous for sightings since the early UFO sighting days. The History Of UFOs In New Jersey We have heard about sightings since the spaceships of Orson Welles's fictitious War of the Worl...
@scottcwaring👽👀👽👀👽#newjerseydrones#drones#ufo#ufosighting#whatisit#whatisthis#ufos#ovni#omni#spacex#nasa#marylandufo#uap♬ APT. - ROSÉ & Bruno Mars at2/10/2025 12:04:00 PM UFO sightingalien,aliens,astronomy,ET,LASCO,NASA,news,paranormal,science,sighting,sightings,soho,solar...
An engineer who works for a defense contractor at a Navy test facility is reporting the sighting of a UFO in Shamong, New Jersey. Get our free mobile app Photo byMichael HerrenonUnsplash UFO sighting in Shamong was in November The otherwise unidentified witness claims to have seen a "silver...
UFOs, Bigfoot, And Jersey Devil IN New Jersey In a recentFairleigh Dickinson University poll, about one in six Garden State residents believe the Jersey Devil could be real. Get our free mobile app There have been multiple Jersey Devil sightings over the years, over a dozen of which were ...
New Jersey海滩UAP拍摄全程记录 00:36 【劲爆】以色列海军在埃拉特海岸用战斗机拦截无人机,并瞄准无人机导致爆炸。 📍地点:以色列埃拉特🇮🇱据报道,以色列海军在埃拉特海岸拦截了一架无人机。 00:26 加州拍到的最新视频 01:05 延迟摄影得到#UFO 01:19 #UFO 地点: 📍美国新泽西州 00:13 🚨👽...