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THQ set their UFC licenses to pump you up rather than beat you down in their upcoming game UFC Fitness Trainer which is set to drop for the Wii, PlayStation Move, and Kinect for Xbox 360 in June. Featuring some of the world's most renowned UFC trainers like Mark DellaGrotte, Greg Jack...
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《UFC 2009终极格斗王者》同样设计了自创选手系统,收录了更加多样的服装与全新的招式编辑系统,不论是想要发挥创意的恶搞系,或是打造出拟真的UFC格斗家都由玩家自行掌控。此外,玩家还可以透过 Xbox 360与 PS3的线上对战系统,与来自全球各地的好手对战。
360试玩版免费下载地址:<UFC 2010终极格斗王者>让玩家扮演真实世界的UFC选手,以一对一的方式在八角笼里进行格斗对战,或者是打造一名独创的UFC选手(从外观到流派都能自订)展开挑战。今年五月份将推出全平台版本,XBOX...