現已登陸 PlayStation Store 下載《UFC® 4》 版本: 《UFC® 4》豪華版 (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文) HK$549.00 《UFC® 4》 (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, 繁體中文, 日文) HK$469.00 《UFC® 4》遊玩體驗提升 流暢的擒抱控制
No matter how, or where, you play EA SPORTS UFC 4 puts ‘you’ at the center of every fight. AVAILABLE ON PLAYSTATION STORE Download UFC 4 Editions: UFC® 4 Deluxe Edition $69.99 UFC® 4 $59.99 Add-Ons Virtual CurrencyUFC® 4 - 100 UFC POINTS ...
《UFC® 4》 (日语, 韩语, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语) HK$469.00 添加到购物车 添加到购物车 虚拟货币 UFC® 4 - 500 UFC 点数 (中日英韩文版) 立省10% HK$40.00 虚拟货币 UFC® 4 - 250 UFC 点数 (中日英韩文版) 立省10% HK$20.00 ...
若要在PS5上遊玩這款遊戲,您的主機可能必須安裝最新的系統軟體。雖然這款遊戲可以在PS5上遊玩,但是可能會缺少某些在PS4上可以使用的機能。詳情請參閱PlayStation.com/bc。 購買或使用本內容需遵守SEN使用條款及用戶合約。
超级7i 玩家可以在playstation store购买下载EA Sports UFC 4游戏。 详细内容如下: 玩家可以在playstation store购买下载EA Sports UFC 4游戏,游戏安装完成之后,玩家就可以开始玩游戏了。 5月前发布 15 没有更多啦~ EA Sports UFC 4 热搜排行榜NO.20+ 进入专区 ...
《UFC 4》现已正式发售,PS Store港服售价469港币(约合420人民币),支持中文。 UFC卫冕冠军,中国选手张伟丽也会在本作中登场,在所有选手中排名第七,草量级排名第一。
All three games join PlayStation Plus February 1. Let’s take a closer look at each game in turn. EA Sports UFC 4 | PS4 No matter how or where you play, EA Sports UFC 4 puts you at the centre of every fight. ...
There’s a pretty strong selection of new PlayStation digital releases on the PS Store this week. Dissidia Final Fantasy NT and UFC 3 for example, along with Strikers Edge, Briks 2, Wulverblade all for the PS4, Cold Iron and Out of Ammo for the PSVR, and Time Recoil for the...
Ufc 4 (Other) Add Now $19.99 current price Now $19.99 $23.95 Was $23.95 Ufc 4 (Other) 1184.6 out of 5 Stars. 118 reviews NBA 2K25 - PlayStation 5 Video Game [Physical] Add Now $24.95 current price Now $24.95 $30.00 Was $30.00 ...
Getting ready for UFC 234 is easy. Head to PlayStation Store on your PS4 and search for “UFC 234”. You can pre-order the pay-per-view now, with PS Plus members getting 10% off the event price. Once done, you’re all set. ...