Sean Brady beat Gilbert Burns by unanimous decision in their 5 round contest during the main event of UFC Fight Night. The scorecards were announced as 50-45, 50-45, 49-46 in favor of the winner Sean Brady. The fight was scheduled to take place over 5 rounds in the Welterweight divisi...
Who won the main event at UFC 297? Dricus Du Plessis beat Sean Strickland by split decision in their 5 round contest during the main event of UFC 297. The scorecards were announced as 48-47, 48-47, 48-47 in favor of the winner Dricus Du Plessis. The fight was scheduled to take p...
“The UFC has been notified by the Nevada State Athletic Commission that Nick Diaz has tested positive for marijuana metabolites following his fight with Anderson Silva at UFC 183 on Jan. 31 in Las Vegas, Nev.,” the statement read. “The UFC has a strict, consistent ...
Winner unanimous decision VS. Randa Markos 11 - 11 - 1 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) - Round 3, 5:00 Song Yadong 22 - 8 - 1 Winner knockout VS. Alejandro Perez 22 - 9 - 1 (punch) - Round 1, 2:04 Preliminary Card UFC Fight Pass/ESPN+, 6:30 p.m. ET Ed...
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搜狐体育讯 北京时间8月29日,UFC终极格斗赛第118期将在美国马萨诸塞州城市波士顿打响。作为当天比赛的重头戏,弗兰基埃德加将在本场比赛中对阵在UFC擂台有着“神童”之称的老将佩恩;而另外一场比赛中,已经47岁的UFC名人堂选手兰迪将面对42岁“新人”詹姆斯托尼的挑战。
搜狐体育讯 北京时间11月14日,在UFC第122期终极格斗赛事又将打响。在本期比赛中,有着84公斤级王者之称的内特-马夸特(Nate Marquardt)将主场迎战日本K-1高手冈见勇信(Yushin Okami)的挑战。届时,搜狐体育将会如期进行视频直播,敬请关注。 以下是UFC122期对阵: ...
UFC终极格斗冠军赛第132期将于7月3日上午,在美国拉斯维加斯米高梅花园体育馆拉开战幕。作为本期主赛,在UFC128中凭借过人技巧战胜WEC首位最轻量级冠军埃迪-瓦兰德的“加州男孩”乌利亚-法贝尔,将在本期与UFC现役冠军多米尼克-克鲁兹展开对决。>>>UFC132期比赛前瞻 ...