UFC 1-200-01 《统一设施标准(统一设施标准)》说明书
UFC 1-200-01-2010的历代版本如下:2010年UFC 1-200-01-2010 建筑物一般要求标准号 UFC 1-200-01-2010 发布 2010年 发布单位 US-UFC 当前最新 UFC 1-200-01-2010 购买 正式版UFC 1-200-01-2010相似标准AS 4349.0:2007 建筑物检验.一般要求 UFC 1-200-01 CHANGE 1-2007 一般建筑要求 GOST 9.602-...
(changes are indicated by 1 . /1/) Change No. Date Location 1 June 2007 Throughout Chapter 1. This UFC supersedes UFC 1-300-01, dated November 2002. UFC 1-300-01 28 February 2006 Including change 1, June 2007 FOREWORD The Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) system is prescribed by MIL...
Ufc 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 3, Revised 页数:104 ISBN:9781288756193 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我要写书评 Ufc 3-301-01 Structural Engineering, with Change 3, Revised的书评 ···(全部 0 条)...
UFC 4-211-01N CHANGE 2-2007 购买 正式版 UFC 4-211-01N CHANGE 2-2007相似标准 UFC 4-211-02NF CHANGE 4-2010 腐蚀控制及油漆涂装机库[代替:NAVYMIL-HDBK-1028/1CCANCNOTICE1,NAVYMIL-HDBK-1028/1C,NAVYMIL-HDBK-1028/1B,NAVYMIL-HDBK-1028/1A,NAVYMIL-HDBK-1028/1NOTICE1,NAVYMIL-HDBK-1028/...
UFC 3-260-01 CHANGE 2-2008的标准全文信息,机场及直升机机场的规划和设计, AIRFIELD AND HELIPORT PLANNING AND DESIGN, 提供UFC 3-260-01 CHANGE 2-2008的发布时间、引用、替代关系、发布机构、适用范围等信息,也提供PDF预览(如果有
艾默生1C31113G06全境一站直达 罗宾康LDZ10500424.040功率... VIPA 312-5BE23优势供应 德国grip连接器G-MEK125-O-... ABB防雷开关OVR BT2 40-32... 原厂现货 M-SYSTEM爱模 薄形变换... 德国进口原厂ASM编码器WS17KT-4... Panasonic Industry产品 ...
Change No. Date Location 1 Dec 2005 FOREWORD 2 5 Dec 2007 Changes not indicated - see change summary ___ This UFC supersedes UFC 3-310-01, dated 30 June 2000. Downloaded from http://.everyspec UFC 3-310-01 25 May 2005 Including change 2, 5 December 2007 i FOREWORD T...