CoffeePlusPiwrote:↑ Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:21 pm Thanks for the quick reply! How could i get a Run from RAM file CMakeLists.txt Code:Select all set(PROJECT run_in_ram) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) set(PICO_SDK_PATH $ENV{PICO_SDK_PATH}) include(${PICO_SDK_PATH}/external/p...
Banana Pi BPI-PicoW-S3 下载安装CircuitPython与TinyUF2固件 Banana Pi开源硬件 837 40 【DIY】小电视,但是触摸屏~ 清露油豆腐 3.6w 722 #跟着UP主一起创作吧 #开源集结号 最强T12一体化便携电烙铁,带陀螺仪和蜂鸣器,PD供电大屏幕更清晰 Eddddddddy ...
a zero-length file ".Trashes" will stop it from trying to create a directory of that name. If you have your own filesystem code, maybe try mocking up (even if it's of the form "if filename == "/.Trashes" touch /.Trashes; return) to let your removable device implement just enough...
我想我只是犯了和你一样的错误,我运行了cmake ..并且没有抛出错误,但是我找不到要放在皮科上的....