Convert between uF, nF and pF using the Newark's uF - nF- pF conversion chart below. Please enter your values below. pF nF 𝛍F F Please enter the value. Capacitor uF - nF - pF Conversion uF/ MFDnFpF/ MMFD 1uF / MFD1000nF1000000pF(MMFD) ...
Capacitor uF - pF - pF Conversion Chart to help you convert between uF(MFD), pF and pF(MMFD) as you read schematics, repair radios and shop for capacitors.
Here is my complete conversion chart for all standard capacitor values. This chart allows one to convert between picofarads, nanofarads, and microfarads. With all the values listed here, you will not have any need to use a calculator....
Electrostatic capacitance unit conversion between millifarad and microfarad, microfarad to millifarad conversion in batch, mF uF conversion chart