By default the decision is made based on compute capability (MMVQ for 6.1/Pascal/GTX 1000 or higher). Does not affect k-quants. LLAMA_CUDA_DMMV_X Positive integer >= 32 32 Number of values in x direction processed by the CUDA dequantization + matrix vector multiplication kernel per ...
all aimed at positioning the business for long-term success. A cornerstone of our strategy has been enhancing our access to senior client stakeholders. By building stronger relationships with key decision-makers, we are now better positioned to understand and respond to their complex needs, ensuring...
Regular releases are identified by names consisting of the calendar year and month of the release date. Additional fields (if present) indicate release candidates or bug fix releases in "stable" maintenance trees. Examples: U-Boot v2009.11 - Release November 2009 U-Boot v2009.11.1 - Release 1...
UNDERLYING PBT METHODOLOGY Underlying PBT is a non-statutory measure and is the primary reporting measure used by the Qantas Group's chief operating decision-making bodies, being the Chief Executive Officer, Group Management Committee and the Board of Directors, for the purpose of assessing the ...
The Chinese government recently plans to change the one-child policy into two-child policy, meaning that every family in China is allowed to have two children. Now my parents have made a decision to give birth to a second child, which worries me a great deal. Though it is good to have...
Fixed costs and depreciation and amortisation non-cash charges continued to impact the Group's profitability. 1. Underlying Profit Before Tax (Underlying PBT) is the primary reporting measure used by the Qantas Group's Chief Operating Decision-Making bodies (CODM), being the Chief Executive ...