are supported by an intramural research program of NIDDK in the National Institutes of Health, J.W.Y. is supported by an intramural research program of NIAID in the National Institutes of Health, H.L. is supported by NIH RO1DK113409. Author information Authors and Affiliations Laboratory of ...
ufm logging files delete oldest {console | event | opensm | sharp | ufm | ufmhealth} [<number>] Deletes log files. Syntax Description console Delete the oldest console log files event Delete the oldest event log files opensm Delete the oldest OpenSM log files sharp Delete the oldest ...
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Displays archived log files matching Displays event logs that match a given regular expression not Displays event logs that do not meet certain criteria Default N/A Configuration Mode Any configuration mode History 1.6 Example ufmapl[mgmt-sa](config)# show ufmhealth log2013-09-0314:36:30.423 ufm...
Prosper Insights & Analytics' propensity model predicts the probability that a U.S. adult consumer uses Uber regularly. Based on a set of basic demographics, the model identifies individuals likely to use Uber. The model was trained with data from Prosper's large Media Behaviors & Influence (MB...
ufm logging files delete oldest {console | event | opensm | sharp | ufm | ufmhealth} [<number>] Deletes log files. Syntax Description console Delete the oldest console log files event Delete the oldest event log files opensm Delete the oldest OpenSM log files sharp Delete the oldest ...
ufm logging files delete oldest {console | event | opensm | sharp | ufm | ufmhealth} [<number>] Deletes log files. Syntax Description console Delete the oldest console log files event Delete the oldest event log files opensm Delete the oldest OpenSM log files sharp Delete the oldest ...