简单讲一下,我申请范德堡是通过ED2,也就是Early Decision,去年的二月中旬左右,我用的就是我美高的成绩,还有考的是SAT,我们学校没有AP没有IB,所以我这两个考试是没有考的。 首先简单讲一下,选校和仿效这一块,我当时是很清楚的,知道自己想要去一个综合性的大学,但是它最好底下有自己的音乐学院或者比较强的音...
Underlying PBT Underlying PBT is the primary reporting measure used by the Qantas Group's Chief Operating Decision-Making bodies (CODM), being the Chief Executive Officer, Group Management Committee and the Board of Directors, for the purpose of assessing the performance of the Group. The ...
“Esma made the bold decision to postpone the original SFTR deadlines for reporting obligations in response to the adverse developments resulting from the coronavirus outbreak,” said Linda Coffman, executive vice-president at SmartStream. “Despite having an additional three-month window to prepare...