avoid path finding iteration trapped into infinite loop when we adjust the delay between Iterations during the iteration progress 当寻路过程已经开始时,我们将迭代的延迟时间调整为0,可能导致迭代陷入无尽的循环中 to do this, we add a gate before iteration loop, at the beginning, we open the gate,...
Pass(Lane.Tags)) { float LaneLength = 0.0f; UE::ZoneGraph::Query::GetLaneLength(ZoneGraphStorage, LaneIndex, LaneLength); float Distance = static_cast<float>(RandomStream.FRandRange(MinGap, MaxGap)); // ..initially while (Distance <= LaneLength) { // Add location at the center of th...
12 358.Ignore Enemies while Magic Circle Active 06:54 359.Knockback Force and Death Impulse Overrides 15:52 360.Spell Descriptions 13:46 361.Arcane Shards Cost and Cooldown 14:24 362.FireBlast Ability 12:37 363.FireBlast Cost and Cooldown 05:45 364.Aura Fire Ball 12:22 365.Spawning ...
由于FQueuedThread携带了条件变量FEvent,因此在线程被创建准备执行任务时,将会被阻塞,直至有任务被分配 uint32FQueuedThread::Run(){while(!TimeToDie.Load(EMemoryOrder::Relaxed)) {// We need to wait for shorter amount of timeboolbContinueWaiting =true;if(bContinueWaiting) { DoWorkEvent->Wait(); ...
.mh-loop-pagination .current, .mh-comments-pagination .current, .pagelink, a:hover .pagelink, input[type=submit], #infinite-handle span { background: #005a8c; } .mh-main-nav-wrap .slicknav_nav ul, blockquote, .mh-widget-layout1 .mh-widget-title, .mh-widget-lay...