#include "MaterialExpressionSpriteTextureSampler.h" // 引入MaterialExpressionSpriteTextureSampler类的头文件// 以下宏定义,UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME,通常由Unreal构建工具生成,用于包含内联定义的CPP文件 #include UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(MaterialExpressionSpriteTextureSampler) // 定义文本宏,用于本...
// 包含PaperTerrainMaterial类的头文件 #include UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(PaperTerrainMaterial) // 包含由UE根据PaperTerrainMaterial类名自动生成的cpp文件 #define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "Paper2D" // 定义本地化文本的命名空间为"Paper2D" /// // UPaperTerrainMaterial // UPaperTerrainMaterial类的实现...
#include UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(MyGameViewportClient) void UMyGameViewportClient::Init(FWorldContext& WorldContext, UGameInstance* OwningGameInstance, bool bCreateNewAudioDevice) { Super::Init(WorldContext, OwningGameInstance, bCreateNewAudioDevice); OnOverrideInputAxis().BindUObject(this, &...
check(TheCppStructOps); // else should not have STRUCT_SerializeNative if (TheCppStructOps->HasStructuredSerializer()) bItemSerialized = TheCppStructOps->Serialize(Slot, Value); else { #if WITH_TEXT_ARCHIVE_SUPPORT if (Slot.GetUnderlyingArchive(...
};// Lumen图元classFLumenPrimitive{public:// 世界空间包围盒.FBox WorldSpaceBoundingBox;// 属于此图元的FLumenMeshCards的最大包围盒, 用于早期剔除.floatMaxCardExtent;// 图元实例列表.TArray<FLumenPrimitiveInstance, TInlineAllocator<1>> Instances;// 对应的真实场景的图元信息.FPrimitiveSceneInfo* Primitive...
It is not a minimum example, just a file after the preprocessing of <file_name>.cpp.obj.response from the command line prompt. I also noticed, that removing all the lines from this file still leads to the very same Intellisense errors. Some files are processed by Intellisense with ...
It is not a minimum example, just a file after the preprocessing of <file_name>.cpp.obj.response from the command line prompt. I also noticed, that removing all the lines from this file still leads to the very same Intellisense errors. Some files are processed by Intellisense with e...
It is not a minimum example, just a file after the preprocessing of <file_name>.cpp.obj.response from the command line prompt. I also noticed, that removing all the lines from this file still leads to the very same Intellisense errors. Some files are processed by Intellisense with errors...
It is not a minimum example, just a file after the preprocessing of <file_name>.cpp.obj.response from the command line prompt. I also noticed, that removing all the lines from this file still leads to the very same Intellisense errors. Some files are processed by Intellisense with errors...
UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(PaperCharacter)是一个 Unreal 引擎的宏,用于自动生成文件中需要的额外 C++ 代码。 2.2 构造函数 APaperCharacter::APaperCharacter(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer.DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject(ACharacter::MeshComponentName)) ...