TextBlock_Option 的插槽(Slot)调整一下。 然后文本样式集(Text Style Set)设为我们刚才制作的富文本样式的 Data Table,覆盖默认样式(Override Default Style)设为True,字体(Font)与我们刚在富文本样式里制作的保持一致,颜色(Color)改成AAAAAAFF。 切到图表(Graph)视图,在类设置(Class Settings)中的已实现的接口...
TEXT("01.png"), ImageSize); // 将路径为 ../../../Engine/MySource/01.png 的图片资源添加到Style Set("MyImage", SlateImageBrush); } FSlateStyleRegistry::RegisterSlateStyle(*this); } // 返回全局单例 static FMyStyle& Get() { static FMyStyle Instance; return Instance; } ~FMyStyle...
*/ void SetText(const FText& Text) { this->Widget->SetText(Text); } /** * 外观 * @param {TextStyleSet} 文本样式集 * @param {DefaultFont} 默认文本样式覆盖 - 字体 * @param {DefaultColorAndOpacity} 默认文本样式覆盖 - 颜色 * @param {DefaultShadowOffset} 默认文本样式覆盖 - 阴影偏移 ...
You can link to any section directly by simply append a hash tag and the section number to the end of http://ue4.style For example, if you want to send someone to the first principle of this style guide you would append #0.1, resulting in http://ue4.style#0.1....
OverlayWidgetController->SetWidgetControllerParams(WCParams); } return OverlayWidgetController; } void AMyHUD::InitOverlay(APlayerController* PC, APlayerState* PS, UAbilitySystemComponent* ASC, UAttributeSet* AS) { checkf(OverlayWidgetClass, TEXT("OverlayWidgetClass 未设置,请在HUD上面设置")); //...
0.1 If your UE5 project already has a style guide, you should follow itIf you are working on a project or with a team that has a pre-existing style guide, it should be respected. Any inconsistency between an existing style guide and this guide should defer to the existing....
TAttribute<FText>(), FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), "ClassThumbnail.ClassIcon") ); } void FToolExampleEditorModule::OnOpenClassPickerClicked() { FSClassViewerInitializationOptions InitOptions; InitOptions.bShowNoneOption = true; ...
.Title(FText::FromString(TEXT("Simple Editor"))) .ClientSize(FVector2D(800, 600)) .SupportsMaximize(false) .SupportsMinimize(false); ParentWindow->OnWindowClosing().BindUObject(this, &AMain::OnWindowClosing); ParentWindow->SetContent(SNew(SBorder) .BorderImage(FEditorStyle::GetBrush("ToolPane...