图36 Set Variable 但如果你在蓝图中使用的话,就会发现,其实这个方法被安排在了Niagara Function Library内(图37): 图37 Set Texture Object in Blueprint UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SetTextureObject(RainComponent,"CloudCanvas", Terrain->ErosionSimulator->RT_CloudCanvas); UNiagaraFunctionLibrary::SetTextureObject...
Ecosystems and Plugins > Game Engines > Unreal Engine > Unreal Engine 5 > Blueprints - UE5 > Blueprint(UE5): Substance material parameters
void setMaterialLerpScale(float scale); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="HotMap") void setMaterialHeightScale(float scale); UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="HotMap") void setMaterialOpacity(float opacity); static TArray<FColor> GetColorDataFromTexture(UTexture2D* texture, FVector2D textur...
创建一个Material Parameter Collection以在材质编辑器里面使用 在材质窗口就能创建一个Collection Param 引用 比如制作一个红蓝灯的效果,而且这个红蓝灯需要在MRQ里面K帧,就能很方便的用这种方法去制作 使用IF来制作三个灯
Widget Blueprint WBP_ 1.2.5 MaterialsAsset TypePrefixSuffixNotes Material M_ Material (Post Process) PP_ Material Function MF_ Material Instance MI_ Material Parameter Collection MPC_ Subsurface Profile SP_ Physical Materials PM_ Decal M_, MI_ _Decal 1.2...
NewGeometryCollectionActor->GetGeometryCollectionComponent()->SetPhysMaterialOverride(GEngine->DefaultDestructiblePhysMaterial);// ...} DamageThreshold# 在UGeometryCollectionComponent中,DamageThreshold控制了物体不同的损坏层级 UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite) ...
An Identifier is anything that resembles or serves as a "name". For example, the name of an asset, or the name of a material later, or a blueprint property, a variable, or a folder name, or for a data table row name, etc......
(BlueprintInternalUseOnly = "true", DisplayName = "Construction Script")) void UserConstructionScript(); /** * Called when an instance of this class is placed (in editor) or spawned. * @param Transform The transform the actor was constructed at. */ virtual void OnConstruction(const F...
Engine SharedPCH - Could not find include directory for 'Kismet2/CompilerResultsLog.h' found in 'C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\Blueprint.h'. Engine SharedPCH - Could not find include directory for 'Settings/LevelEditorPlaySettings.h' found in...
创建一个 Material Parameters Collection 命名为 *SnowMPC*,用于向雪地材质*Snow_Mat*传递玩家坐标,使用`SetVectorParameterValue`方法。 在BeginPlay 事件中,通过 `SetScalarParameterValue` 将 SceneCaptureComponent2D 组件的 OrthoWidth 投影宽度写入 *SnowMPC*。