Functions vs. Macros Differences: Functions are actually called when you place nodes to call the function. That means you can target them (i.e. "call a function on another object"), and they allow for communication between Blueprints. Macros take the nodes from the macro graph, and actually...
Blueprint Function Library BPFL_ Blueprint Interface BPI_ Blueprint Macro Library BPML_ Do not use macro libraries if possible. Enumeration E No underscore. Structure F or S No underscore. Tutorial Blueprint TBP_ Widget Blueprint WBP_ 1.2...
着了降低模型减面误差,这里定义一个代价函数(Cost Function),如下式所示,这个代价函数是点V到V所在边E所连接的所有面的距离平方和,这个值越小,说明将边E收缩到这个点时,原有面片移动的距离最小,也就是新模型相对于原模型的变化越小。 为了降低减面后的模型误差,需要从模型中的多条边中选取误差最小的一条,而...
在Base Pass PS阶段,Material Depth Buffer被设置为Depth/Stencil Target,同时Depth/Stencil Test被打开,Compare Function设置为Equal。只有当前像素的Material ID和待绘制的材质ID相同(Depth Test Pass)且该像素为Nanite Mesh(Stencil Test Pass)时才会真正执行PS,于是借助硬件的Early Z/Stencil我们完成了逐像素的材质ID...
在Base Pass PS阶段,Material Depth Buffer被设置为Depth/Stencil Target,同时Depth/Stencil Test被打开,Compare Function设置为Equal。只有当前像素的Material ID和待绘制的材质ID相同(Depth Test Pass)且该像素为Nanite Mesh(Stencil Test Pass)时才会真正执行PS,于是借助硬件的Early Z/Stencil我们完成了逐像素的材质ID...
| Blueprint Function Library | BPFL_ | | | | Blueprint Interface | BPI_ | | | | Blueprint Macro Library | BPML_ | | Não use bibliotecas de macro, se possível. | | Enumeration | E | | Sem sublinhado. | | Structure | F or S | | Sem sublinhado. | ...
Macro function libraries are unable to assume a particular scope when using Search for References tool. Search for References will find any function or variable that matches the given name which makes tracking down usages in our project more difficult. When creating a function or macro, use ...
Blueprint Function Library BPFL_ Blueprint Interface BPI_ Blueprint Macro Library BPML_ Do not use macro libraries if possible. Enumeration E No underscore. Structure F or S No underscore. Tutorial Blueprint TBP_ Widget Blueprint WBP_ 1.2...
Blueprint Function Library BPFL_ Blueprint Interface BPI_ Blueprint Macro Library BPML_ Do not use macro libraries if possible. Enumeration E No underscore. Structure F or S No underscore. Tutorial Blueprint TBP_ Widget Blueprint WBP_ 1.2...
Blueprint Function Library BPFL_ Blueprint Interface BPI_ Blueprint Macro Library BPML_ Do not use macro libraries if possible. Enumeration E No underscore. Structure F or S No underscore. Tutorial Blueprint TBP_ Widget Blueprint WBP_ 1.2...