创建character蓝图类,作为AINPC。 创建动画蓝图类,作为NPC动画蓝图。 动画蓝图事件图表 动画蓝图AnimGraph 注意事项 GetSocketLocation中必须选择存在的SocketName LookAt需要选择要修改的骨骼 查看限制(角度)需要修改,避免转头的角度不符合常理。 不足 在NPC背后依旧可以触发NPC转头,只是角度被限制。
const FVector HandLocation = GetMesh()->GetSocketLocation("Muzzle_01"); // 未校正前的生成方位 // const FTransform SpawnTM = FTransform(GetControlRotation(), HandLocation); FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams; // 无论任何情况都生成(无视重叠,碰撞,覆盖...) SpawnParams.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride...
return Weapon->GetSocketLocation(WeaponTipSocketName); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 有了火球术的类,有了发射的位置,我们就可以生成火球了,接着回到ProjectileSpell里面,首先将控制的Actor转换为战斗接口 if (ICombatInterface* CombatInterface = Cast<ICombatInterface>(GetAvatarActorFromActorInfo())) 1. 如果转换成功,...
for (FSocket* Socket: RemoteConnection) { if (Socket&& Socket->GetConnectionState()== ESocketConnectionState::SCS_Connected) { TempRemoteConnection.Add(Socket); if (Socket->HasPendingData(Size)) { FCCSocketConnection CConnection; CConnection.Socket = Socket; ReceivedData.Init(0, FMath::Min(Si...
34 170.Find New Location Around Target 14:45 171.Environment Query System 03:25 172.Environment Queries 09:30 173.EQS Tests 10:00 174.Distance Test 05:22 175.Using EQS Queries in Behavior Trees 11:45 176.Melee Attack Ability 24:42 177.Attack Montage 08:06 178.Combat Target 15:17 179...
设置TakePhotoCamera 的一些基础属性,将插槽(Sockets)中的父项套接字(Parent Socket)设为 Head,适当调整变换(Transform),让相机的位置符合第一人称视角。 接着调整相机参数让虚化效果更加明显(可以根据实际项目需求自行调整)。主要调整的就是焦距(Current Focal Length,越大虚化越明显)和光圈(Current Aperture,越小虚化...
It is up to the project whether to snap based on a power of 2 grid or on a base 10 grid. However if you are authoring modular socketless assets for the marketplace, Epic's requirement is that they snap cleanly when the grid is set to 10 units or bigger....
GetScaledAxis(EAxis::Y); AddMovementInput(RightVector, value); } // 左键攻击 void ASurCharacter::PrimaryAttack() { // 获取模型右手位置 FVector RightHandLoc = GetMesh()->GetSocketLocation("Muzzle_01"); // Spawn Transform Matrix, spawn的变换矩阵 // 朝向角色方向,在角色的右手位置生成 F...
This is a current rig I am using. I could change all the controls to custom bone shapes, but this rig is only for me. I just use the bones(time is money and I’m just making animations to get them into the engine and hurrying up to get right to the logic). I also wanted to ...
先把两个不同的Index储存起来,然后获取当前需要跟随的A粒子的ID,并通过Get ID by ID这个节点来做...