class UE53_API UMyAnimNotifyState : public UAnimNotifyState { GENERATED_BODY() private: void NotifyBegin(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation, float TotalDuration) override; void NotifyEnd(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimSequenceBase* Animation) override; }; cpp:...
(float DeltaTime) override; virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)override; void WhiteFace(cv::Mat inMat, uint32 alpha, uint32 beta); void ScaleRect(cv::Rect& inRect,float scale); public: UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent) void ShowImage(UTexture2D* outRGB,int ...
Enable Override Attenuationso the Sound Cue will have an area of effect to play in: Adjust the following: Inner Radius: area of where the sound will play at 100% volume Falloff Distance: area where the sound will begin to fade out until it becomes silent ...
// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\MeshCardRepresentation.h// FLumenCard构建数据classFLumenCardBuildData{public:// 中心和包围盒.FVector Center; FVector Extent;// 朝向顺序: -X, +X, -Y, +Y, -Z, +Zint32 Orientation; int32 LODLevel;// 根据朝向旋转Extent.staticFVectorTransformFaceExtent(FV...
Lidar: range is now set in meters, not in centimeters Lidar: horizontal_angle is now received in radians, not in degrees GNSS: carla.GnssEvent renamed to carla.GnssMeasurement API extensions: Added carla.IMUMeasurement Added carla.RadarMeasurement and carla.RadarDetection GNSS data can now be ...
蓝图中的EventDispatchers就是代理。 三. Actor的生命周期 Actor的生成主要有四种方式 从编辑器复制:PlayerInEditor时,从编辑器复制; 从磁盘加载:打开新地图时,加载地图,然后从磁盘加载;像世界添加一个Actor时,也是从磁盘加载; SpawnActor方法:调用不同模板方式的SpawnActor方法; SpawnActorDeferred:延迟创建Actor,可以...