FString exampleStr = TEXT("测试"); const TCHAR* StrPtr = *exampleStr; FTCHARToUTF8 UTF8String(StrPtr); int32 CTXSize = UTF8String.Length(); TArray<uint8> exampleStrData; exampleStrData.SetNum(CTXSize); FMemory::Memcpy(exampleStr.GetData(), UTF8String.Get(), CTXSize); ...
static TArray<uint8> IntToBytes(const int32 &Int);/** * Utility function to convert 4 bytes into a float. If the input array's length is not 4, returns 0.0.* * @param Bytes A byte array with 4 values representing the float in IEEE 754 standard format.* @return The final float...
TArray UE中的数组:最常用的数据容器,特点速度快,内存消耗小,安全性高。 TArray被称为同质容器:其所有元素均完全为相同类型。不能进行不同元素类型的混合。 TArray被设计成值类型:无法被继承,不要使用new和delete在堆上进行创建销毁。元素也是数值类型,为容器拥有。TArray被销毁时元素也被销毁。从一个TArray创建...
autoprintFunc1=[&](TArray<FString>& _arr)->void{for(int32i=0; i < _arr.Num(); i++) {//FString str = FString::Printf(TEXT("--- index:%d, value:%s "), i, *_arr[i]);//GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(0, 3.0f, FColor::Red, str);UE_LOG(MyContaimTest, Warning, TEXT("...
if(PropertyType == "FString") { FStrProperty* StringProperty = CastField<FStrProperty>(Property); void* Addr = StringProperty->ContainerPtrToValuePtr<void>(Student);//这里是获得具体类的对象,才能获得属性的值 FString PropertyValue = StringProperty->GetPropertyValue(Addr); ...
TArray<FString>StrArr; StrArr.Add (TEXT("Hello")); StrArr.Emplace(TEXT("World"));//StrArr == ["Hello","World"] Add Emplace这里效果一样 Emplace效率更高,减少中间临时变量 FString Arr[] = { TEXT("of"), TEXT("Tomorrow") };
颜色 的 Enum UENUM(BlueprintType) enum class EStencilColor : uint8 { SC_Green = 250 UMETA(DisplayName = "Green"), SC_Blue = 251 UMETA(DisplayName = "Blue"), SC_Red = 252 UMETA(DisplayName = "Red"), SC_White = 253 UMETA(DisplayName = "White") };...
FString ProductName; }; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 继承UFactory 的工厂类 UCLASS() class DESIGNPATTERNS_API UUEDefaultFactory : public UFactory { GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY() public: virtual UObject* FactoryCreateNew(UClass* InClass, UObject* InParent, FName InName, EObjectFlags Flags, U...
ScriptArray*Array=(FScriptArray*)Data.Data;constFConstRepObjectDataBufferArrayData(Array->GetData());// Write array numuint16ArrayNum=Array->Num();Writer<<ArrayNum;UE_LOG(LogRepProperties,VeryVerbose,TEXT("SendProperties_r: ArrayNum=%d"),ArrayNum);// Read the jump offset// We won't ...