单词多了一个,并且缺少后缀,原句应这样:the ue4 shooter game has crashed and will close释义:ue4...
打印到屏幕 #include <EngineGlobals.h>#include <Runtime/Engine/Classes/Engine/Engine.h>// ...GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1,5.f,FColor::Red,TEXT("This is an on screen message!"));GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1,5.f,FColor::Red,FString::Printf(TEXT("Some variable values: x:...
Fatal,Fatal等级的日志总是被输出到控制台和日志文件,如果日志被禁用它可能会崩溃。 Error,Error等级的日志被输出到控制台和日志文件,它默认是以红颜色显示的。 Warning,Warning等级的日志被输出到控制台和日志文件,它默认以黄颜色显示的。 Display,Display等级的日志会被输出到控制台和日志文件。 Log,Log等级的日志...
This is pretty disappointing, considering Stray isn’t a demanding game. Aside from the stutters, the Stray PC players are experiencing errors and issues like the in-game crash, LowLevelFatalError, Components required to run the program, UE4-Hk_project Game Crashed, CreateProcess(), how to r...
con.MinLogVerbosity Allows to see the log in the in game console (by default deactivated to avoid spam and minor performance loss). 0: no logging other than console response (default) 1: Only fatal errors (no that useful) 2: additionally errors 3: additionally warnings 4: additionally displa...
测试机型:Redme K50 CPU:天玑8100 GPU型号:Mali-G610 --- beginning of main D/UE4 : [GameActivity] Used memory: 784008 (VmRSS: 2113948 kB) D/UE4 : [GameActivity] Battery: status = 5, rawlevel = 100, scale = 100 D/UE4 : nativeBatteryEvent(stat = 5, lvl = 100 temp = 34.40 °C...
如果你以PIE模式使用编辑器时,日志功能可以默认通过Engine INI文件中的"GameCommandLine=-log"激活。如果看不到日志输出,可以像上面在游戏中一样添加"-Log"命令行参数。# 快速使用UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Your message")); 1 这样你不用为你的日志创建一个定制的分类,尽管这样可以让你保持所有的东西...