When your game runs in Fullscreen mode, it has full control over the screen output, meaning that what it’s showing has the highest priority. But with some many resources dedicated to the game, it may crash. So if you’re playing in Fullscreen mode, you can try to switch to Windowed ...
观察崩溃时是否有特定的错误消息或代码。 注意崩溃是在游戏启动、加载过程中还是游戏进行时发生。 2. 检查游戏日志文件 日志文件位置:通常可以在游戏的安装目录下找到日志文件,如Saved/Logs文件夹。 查看日志:使用文本编辑器(如Notepad++)打开日志文件,搜索与“crash”、“error”或“fatal”相关的条目。 错误分析:根...
1.1. 日志级别分类 Fatal Fatal等级日志总是会打印到控制台和日志文件以及crash文件中,甚至logging功能被禁用。 Error Error等级日志被打印到控制台和日志文件中,默认以红色显示。 Warning Warning等级日志被打印到控制台和日志文件中,默认以黄色显示。 Display Display等级日志被打印到控制台和日志文件中。 Log Log等级...
UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64-bit)): LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ffac8ee2651 ntdll.dll!UnknownFunction []UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64-bit)): LogWindows: Error:UATHelper: 打包 (Windows (64-bit)): LogWindows: Error: Crash in runnable thread PoolThread 20UATHelper: 打包 (Windows...
项目开发中遇到一个奇怪的问题,打包出来的版本在运行一段时间后,会出现Crash的情况,log如下: [2021.06.07-02.42.54:104][0]LogUObjectArray:21441objectsaspartofrootsetat end ofinitialload.[2021.06.07-02.42.54:104][0]LogUObjectArray:2objectsarenotintherootset,butcanneverbedestroyedbecausetheyareintheDisr...
Fatal error! When it will crash? 1.When the loading map is about to end, there is a high probability of crash2.When i reconnect, it may not crash immediately, but it will still crash randomly after a few minutes of playing. One of the possible reasons:I'm...
所以第一步就是要用信号处理函数捕获到native crash(SIGSEGV, SIGBUS等)。 二. UE4信号处理 //UE4中,使用SetCrashHandler注册信号处理器 void FAndroidMisc::SetCrashHandler(void (* CrashHandler)(const FGenericCrashContext& Context)) { GCrashHandlerPointer = CrashHandler; ...
Helldivers 2 Frostpunk 2 Supermarket Together Destiny 2 Hades 2 Font ResizerAa Fix Project Wingman UE4 Fatal Error and Crash at Startup Last updated: 2 December 2020 2:54 PM Harsh Clif Share Apps, Devices, and Websites Guides News Bugs & Errors Links About Us Privacy Policy Write for Us...
浪漫沙加2:七英雄的..游戏刚开始感觉有意思了就这样,目前时长3个小时左右显示的是fatal error我看别人ue4 crash还有个错误代码啥的,我这就直接fatal error了