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VDI 2050 Blatt 1-1987 Heizzentralen; Heizzentralen in Gebaeuden; Technische Grundsaetze fuer Planung und Ausfuehrung的最新版本是哪一版?最新版本是 VDI 2050 Blatt 1-2013 。最新版本是 VDI 2050 BLATT 1-2013 。VDI 2050 Blatt 1-1987的历代版本如下: 2013年 VDI 2050 Blatt 1-2013 技术机房要求 ...
Regarding the use of a chair during bathing of children (persons) with severe motor and intellectual disabilities (hereinafter referred to as "children (persons) with SMID"), a design that would reduce the burden on the caregiver was considered. A questionnaire survey targeting parents of children...
【美股大跌!——美三大股指,还在高位,还是太贵了!】 纳指跌超5%! 理由是美国8月CPI同比上涨8.3%,高于市场预期的8.1%,前值8.5%;8月CPI环比上涨0.1%,高于市场预期的-0.1% 在CPI发布后,美联储9月加息75个...