Get the current timestamp[获取当前时间戳] | Unreal engine Code Snippet 将本地时间转换为时间戳 Convert local time to timestamp[将本地时间转换为时间戳] | Unreal engine Code Snippet 时间戳转为本机时间 Convert timestamp to local time【时间戳转为本地时间】 | Unreal engine Code Snippet 时间戳转...
InitialConnectTimeout 新链接多久超时 ConnectionTimeout 已有连接多久超时 bNoTimeouts 忽略超时(仅推荐用于测试) 在UNetConnection::GetTimeoutValue 函数中, 会获得对应连接, 实际的超时时间 不同情况下会不一样, 有的会长, 有的会短. 接着, 在UNetConnection::Tick时, 比较CurrentRealtimeSeconds 当前时间和 Las...
if (Cs->GetCurrentTimeCount() > 5) { mFlyStateMachine->ChangeStateTo(Fly_Move); } })); mFlyStateMachine->AddState(new FState(EFlyMode::Fly_Move, mFlyStateMachine.Get(), // Idle [=]() { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Fly_Move enter")); }, []() { UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warnin...
thisConfiguration update commandincludes long and short operator names, universal time, local time zone and daylight saving time. and then, UE can synchronize with this time and time zone and get operator names of a core network. Describe alternatives/workarounds you've considered None. Additional...
{ label: '结束时间', prop: "e_endTime", type: 'date', format: "YYYY-MM-DD", valueFormat: "YYYY-MM-DD", }, { label: '学校', prop: "e_school", type: 'input', }, { label: '学历', prop: "e_education", type: 'select', dicUrl: "/blade-system/dict-biz/dictionary?code...
FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character*ClientData=GetPredictionData_Client_Character();ClientData->UpdateTimeStampAndDeltaTime CurrentTimeStamp+=DeltaTime;FSavedMove_Character::SetMoveFor SetInitialPosition TimeStamp=ClientData.CurrentTimeStamp;CanCombile// 加速度夹角小于5度(0加速度,和任意加速度夹角可以...
If an UE session is under throttling, then APN-AMBR values get modified immediately if the new APN_AMBR values are lesser than the currently applied values. Otherwise, the values are not programmed in the fast path, instead, it gets applied once the threshold is relaxed. Al...
I found that the first time I initialize my second player, it will fail to grab the input device, but if I delete the first instantiation and create a new second player, it will grab the gamepad. To get the input to work I did the following. In my custom Gamemode: ...
defcreate_root_uv_attribute(curves_group,mesh_node,uv_set='map1'):'''Create"groom_root_uv"attribute on group of curves.'''#checkcurves groupifnotcmds.objExists(curves_group):raiseRuntimeError('Groupnotfound:"{}"'.format(curves_group))#getcurves in groupcurve_shapes=cmds.listRelatives(curv...
MDOP license:This technology is a part of the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP). Enterprise customers can get MDOP with Microsoft Software Assurance. Administrative credentialsfor any computer where you install UE-V. Note Starting with WIndows 10, version 1607, UE-V is included withWindows...