1.Field of View(FOV):这是摄像机的视野角度,以度为单位。FOV越大,摄像机能够看到的场景就越多,视野更宽广。但过大的FOV可能会导致画面边缘出现畸变。 2.Aspect Ratio:这是摄像机的纵横比,通常表示为“宽/高”。这个参数决定了摄像机在渲染画面时的宽高比例。在UE4中,摄像机的纵横比通常设置为屏幕的纵横比...
3.15 ViewProperty 视场 渲染目标大小——Render Target Size 视场——Field Of View 正切(0.5乘以视野)——Tan(0.5*Field Of View) 查看大小——View Size 视图位置(绝对场景空间)——View Position(Absolute World Space) 摄像机位置(绝对场景空间)——Camera Position(Absolute World Space) 视口偏移——Viewport ...
ControlRotation); } } // Apply any offset that was added to the field of view. CameraModeView.FieldOfView += FieldOfViewOffset; FieldOfViewOffset = 0.0f; // Keep camera component in sync with the latest view. SetWorldLocationAndRotation(CameraModeView.Location, CameraModeView.Rotation); ...
3.15 ViewProperty 视场 渲染目标大小——Render Target Size 视场——Field Of View 正切(0.5乘以视野)——Tan(0.5*Field Of View) 查看大小——View Size 视图位置(绝对场景空间)——View Position(Absolute World Space) 摄像机位置(绝对场景空间)——Camera Position(Absolute World Space) 视口偏移——Viewport ...
ControlRotation); } } // Apply any offset that was added to the field of view. CameraModeView.FieldOfView += FieldOfViewOffset; FieldOfViewOffset = 0.0f; // Keep camera component in sync with the latest view. SetWorldLocationAndRotation(CameraModeView.Location, CameraModeView.Rotation); ...
在UE4中如果我们想要放大镜头目标,最简单的方法就是调整摄像机的一个面板参数,Field Of View,欢迎大家查阅维基百科,去科普下Field of view的实际意义。 简单来说,就是当摄像机的视野(Field of view)角度越小,看到的内容越少,屏幕中被填充的物体越大,反之就是看到的东西越多,填充的内容越小,这个够简单了吧!
FPlane Result = ViewProjectionMatrix.TransformFVector4(FVector4(WorldPosition, 1.f));if (Result.W > 0.0f) { // the result of this will be x and y coords in -1..1 projection space const float RHW = 1.0f / Result.W; FPlane PosInScreenSpace = FPlane(Result.X * RHW, Result.Y *...
默认的 Scene Capture 不能用于实时Lumen光照模式下 为了实现实时渲染GI下,类似于UCanvasRenderTarget2D类,捕获指定位置摄像头的场景像素. 可以参考GameViewport类的源码尝试使用UE的渲染逻辑和数据多渲染一份视口副本到新创建的FSceneView上,封
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* Typed field nodes are used for the evaluation of specific types of data arrays. * For exampe, The FFieldNode<FVector>::Evaluate(...) will expect resutls * of type TFieldArrayView<FVector>, and an example implementation is the UniformVectorField. ...