12.ExposeOnSpawn生成时公开 UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Interaction", meta=(ExposeOnSpawn = true )) int32 PointerIndex; 用在meta里面 13.CallInEditor编辑器内调用 14.ReturnDisplayName返回值重命名 用在函数的meta里面
UWorld OnActorSpawned。 BeginPlay。 4、Deferred Spawning 将任意属性设为"Expose on Spawn"即可延迟 Actor 的生成。 SpawnActorDeferred。 PostSpawnInitialize。 PostActorCreated。 FnishedSpawningActor。 ExecuteConstruction。 OnConstruction。 PostActorConstruction。 PreInitializeComponents。 Initiali...
20.可编辑变量(Editable Variable) 21.在生成时公开(Expose On Spawn) 三.数组(Array) 22.什么是数组 23.创建数组(Creating an Array) 24.获取(Get) 25.查找项目(Find Item) 26.长度(Length) 27.最后一个索引(Last Index) 28.包含(Conains Item) 29.插入(Insert Item) 30.删除(Remove Item) 31.清除(...
连接完成后,我们找到“INT_TraceCheck”将布尔“Start?”勾选,剩下的3个全部提升为变量,然后在每个变量的右侧面板中将“Instance Editable”、“Expose on Spawn”勾选上; 9、随后我们进入“Received Notify End”函数中,将刚刚的接口函数“INT_TraceCheck”连接上,Start?布尔值不勾选,其余3个变量不用做任何处理;...
7.OnActorSpawned 在 UWorld 上播放 8.BeginPlay - 关卡开始后调用 d.延迟生成,将任意属性设为“Expose on Spawn”即可延迟 Actor 的生成。 创建流程:1.SpawnActorDeferred - 生成程序化 Actor,在蓝图构建脚本之前进行额外设置 2.PostSpawnInitialize
10 - 添加3D控件_V4.7_(10 - Adding 3D Widgets _v4.7_) 04分 42秒 4K 下载 11 - 产卵暴露_V4.7_(11 - Expose On Spawn _v4.7_) 05分 25秒 4K 下载 12 - 随机流_V4.7_(12 - Random Streams _v4.7_) 05分 51秒 4K 下载 下载素材 供稿...
/** Pawn responsible for damage and other gameplay events caused by this actor. */UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, ReplicatedUsing=OnRep_Instigator, meta=(ExposeOnSpawn=true, AllowPrivateAccess=true), Category=Actor)classAPawn*Instigator;/** Returns the instigator for this actor, or nullptr if there...
Conversely, all variables that are not safe to change or should not be exposed to designers should not be marked as editable, unless for engineering reasons the variable must be marked as Expose On Spawn.Do not arbitrarily mark variables as Editable....
Conversely, all variables that are not safe to change or should not be exposed to designers should not be marked as editable, unless for engineering reasons the variable must be marked as Expose On Spawn.Do not arbitrarily mark variables as Editable....
1.创建所需项的类 2.创建游戏模式类,在该类上实现所需项,引入头文件和构造函数时实例化 三种时间函数类型函数和提示类型 FName、FString、FText类型相互转化 FName用FName FString用ToString() FText用FText::FromString、FromName //转化 FString MyString =TEXT("I am String"); ...