第一个是一个类,随便填一个名称就行,这个宏会帮你实现这个类,第二个则是在这个会话界面的位置的结构描述,有点儿像GameplayTag。第三个参数是一个枚举值,可以点开看一下他的值。 看一下这个宏的实现,最终指向这样的内容: #define IMPLEMENT_SIMPLE_AUTOMATION_TEST_PRIVATE( TClass, TBaseClass, PrettyName, ...
Immunity Gameplay Effect Component: 根据配置内容免疫其它 GE。 Remove Other Gameplay Effect Component: 根据配置内容移除其它 GE。 Target Tag Requirements Gameplay Effect Component: 目标达到 Tag 的要求(有/没有/匹配)才可使 GE 被应用(Application) / 生效(OnGoing) / 移除(Removal)。 Target Tags Gameplay ...
//YourAttributeSet.h// Uses macros from AttributeSet.h//自动生成Getter,Setter函数#define ATTRIBUTE_ACCESSORS(ClassName, PropertyName) \GAMEPLAYATTRIBUTE_PROPERTY_GETTER(ClassName, PropertyName) \GAMEPLAYATTRIBUTE_VALUE_GETTER(PropertyName) \GAMEPLAYATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SETTER(PropertyName) \GAMEPLAYATTRIBUTE_VALUE...
#define UEVR_BUILD_DATE "20.02.2024" #define UEVR_BUILD_TIME "00:00"86 changes: 85 additions & 1 deletion 86 src/mods/PluginLoader.cpp @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include <sdk/UFunction.hpp> #include <sdk/UGameplayStatics.hpp> #include <sdk/APlayerController.hpp> #include <sdk/UScen...
Game designers can define and tweak pickups in this folder however they please, but they should not touch Core/Pickups as they may unintentionally break pickups project-wide.2.6 Do Not Create Folders Called Assets or AssetTypes2.6.1 Creating a folder named Assets is redundantAll assets are ...
在使用自定义 Log 分类的时候,可以将DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC(LogMyCategory, Warning, All);宏放在需要输出 Log 的源文件顶部,为了方便使用,可以将它放在 PCH 文件中,或模块的头文件里(原则上是将 Log 分类定义放在被多数源文件 include 的文件里) ...
#defineHAS_BIT(Bitmask,Bit)(((Bitmask)&(1<<static_cast<uint32>(Bit)))>0)#defineSET_BIT(Bitmask,Bit)(Bitmask|=1<<static_cast<uint32>(Bit))#defineCLEAR_BIT(Bitmask,Bit)(Bitmask&=~(1<<static_cast<uint32>(Bit))) 虽然看着稍微复杂,仔细了解一下就会发现非常简单。
Thanks a lot for this, I was at the moment looking to define gravity with my planet plugin. Do you think it’s working with any types of pawns but not just the character one (in case I’m working on a RTS for example)? Thanks again, hope for more Ari...
In Unity you have Script Components that you drop on GameObjects to add C# scripting. You create a class that inherits from MonoBehaviour to define what that component does. 在Unity中,我们可以给GameObject添加C#脚本,这个脚本继承自MonoBehaviour 来定义组件的功能。