udsoncan.setup_logging() # udslog def get_xlsx(self, sheet): "获取指定Excel数据" excel = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'UDSTestcase.xlsx') # 获取用例文件路径 file = xlrd.open_workbook(excel) list = [] ...
setup_logging() conn = IsoTPSocketConnection('can0', isotp.Address(isotp.AddressingMode.Normal_11bits, rxid=0x123, txid=0x456)) with Client(conn, request_timeout=2, config=MyCar.config) as client: try: client.change_session(DiagnosticSessionControl.Session.extendedDiagnosticSession) # ...
milhead2commentedNov 17, 2018 Greetings! I got the udsoncan to send some requests and think that my server is responding correctly but I'm still getting errors that I think are configuration related. Specifically I don't believe that I have the encoder setup correctly for decoding a queried...