public static void GetAvailable(UdpClient u) { // Get the number of bytes available for reading. Console.WriteLine("Available value is {0}", u.Available); } 注解 属性Available 用于确定网络缓冲区中排队进行读取的数据量。 如果数据可用,请调用 Read 以获取数据。 如果没有可用数据,则 Available ...
使用UdpClient.Client.Available 获取已经从网络接收且可供读取的数据量。 = new UdpClient(DefaultPort); IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, DefaultPort); while(true) { if( > 0) { string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(this.server.Receive(ref ep))...
/// publicSocketClient=>_udpClient.Client;/// /// 获取从网络接收的可读取的数据量。/// publicintAvailable=>_udpClient.Available;///
/// public int Available => _udpClient.Available; /// /// 获取或设置 Boolean 值,该值指定 UdpClient 是否允许将 Internet 协议(IP) 数据报分段。 /// public bool DontFragment => _udpClient.DontFragment; /// /// 获取或设置一个 Boolean 值,该值指定是否可以 UdpClient 发送广播数据包...
If udp.Available > 0 Then Dim remoteIp As New System.Net.IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Any, ...
Available 获取从网络接收的可读取的数据量。 Client 获取或设置基础网络 Socket。 DontFragment 获取或设置 Boolean 值,该值指定 UdpClient 是否允许将 Internet 协议 (IP) 数据报分段。 EnableBroadcast 获取或设置一个 Boolean 值,该值指定 是否可以 UdpClient 发送广播数据包。 ExclusiveAddressUse 获取或设置 ...
1.服务器 using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Text;namespace ConsoleApplication1{class Program{static void Main(string[] args){Server(10086); //监听10086端口}/// /// 服务器端/// /// static void Server(int port){try{UdpClient udpclient = new ...
Is there any source code available for PsExec tool (sysinternals) ? Is there any Windows-API for Ethernet/WiFi Speed in C++ MFC? Issue with '__asm' in 64-bit architecture. issue with the CreateProcessAsUser Iterate over member variables for a class / strucuture and produce textural version...
available queue. The client is moved to the busy queue. When the thread is done with the client it returns it to client pool so it gets moved from busy back to available. If a client is requested and there are none available then a new client is created and returned. Assuming your ...