Please note that this Bug is private and may not be accessible as it contains confidential Red Hat customer information. In general it make sense to use 'udp_preference_limit = 0' in AD environments as we already do it with IPA. This might add a little bit of overhead to the initial ...
udp_preference_limit = 1 kdc原生支持tcp/udp协议,客户端访问kdc服务时,默认先使用udp协议发起请求,如果数据包过大或者请求失败,然后再换用tcp协议请求。网络条件不好,如果使用udp容易出现丢包现象。 所以如果网络环境不好, udp_preference_limit设置为1,不然会出现认证失败的情况...
多个相同BundleName的HAP包,使用preference数据如何共享 关于数据库存储的位置,以及存储的区别 卡片开发中如何实现数据持久化 如何从数据库中获得特定类型的文件列表 在使用首选项功能时候报“15500000”错误 如何使用Sqlite全文检索能力 如何获知Sqlite支持版本 通过RdbStore.query()获取resultSet对象,出现resultSet...
udp_preference_limit=1禁止使用udp可以防止一个Hadoop中的错误ticket_lifetime表明凭证生效的时限...安装服务端: 在192.168.0.[201-206]上安装客户端: 在安装完上述的软件之后,会在KDC主机上生成配置文件/etc/krb5.conf和/var/kerberos/krb5kdc
多个相同BundleName的HAP包,使用preference数据如何共享 关于数据库存储的位置,以及存储的区别 卡片开发中如何实现数据持久化 如何从数据库中获得特定类型的文件列表 在使用首选项功能时候报“15500000”错误 如何使用Sqlite全文检索能力 如何获知Sqlite支持版本 通过RdbStore.query()获取resultSet对象,出现resultSet...
otherwise unconfigured preference is set to 0 (highest).; The format is a comma, tab or space-separated list of 8-bit unsigned integers (0 .. 255)ptpengine:unicast_local_preference =; Specify peer unicast adress for P2P unicast. Mandatory when; running unicast mode and P2P delay mode.ptp...
To overcome the loss of a request or response packet, each request operation will retransmit the request if a response is not received within a specified time limit. Protocol operations sensitive to successive response packets, such as name conflict detection, are protected from duplicated packets ...
administrative limit was exceeded Administrators Active Directory Report Admins sporadically getting "You do not have sufficient privileges to delete <computer>" but they have sufficient permissions to delete the object AdminSDHolder - Deny Change Password for Account ADMT 3.2 - How to migrate fil...
now can any one tell me what is the maximum limit for udp packet size for nios-ii, because as i increase the UDP packet size from 1472 to 2048. it stop receiving the packets. Regards kaushal Translate 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous topic Next topic 4 Replies Altera...
The sender SHOULD mark packets as ECT(0) unless the receiver expresses a preference for ECT(1) or for a random ECT value using the "ect" parameter in the "a=ecn-- capable-rtp:" attribute. The sender SHALL NOT include ECT marks on outgoing RTCP packets and SHOULD NOT include ECT marks...