}else{//数据漂移到其他线程,需要先切换线程WarnL <<"udp packet incoming from other thread"; std::weak_ptr<Session> weak_session = session;//由于socket读buffer是该线程上所有socket共享复用的,所以不能跨线程使用,必须先拷贝一下autocacheable_buf = std::make_shared<BufferString>(buf->toString());...
2024-06-24 13:35:42.543 W [MediaServer.exe] [14600-event poller 1] UdpServer.cpp:170 onRead_l | UDP packet incoming from other thread 2024-06-24 13:35:42.543 W [MediaServer.exe] [14600-event poller 1] UdpServer.cpp:170 onRead_l | UDP packet incoming from other thread 2024-06-2...
OUT OF ORDER - incoming packet = 28979728 and received packet = 28979750 AND SP = 5 iperf3: OUT OF ORDER - incoming packet = 28979729 and received packet = 28979750 AND SP = 5 iperf3: OUT OF ORDER - incoming packet = 28979730 and received packet = 28979750 AND SP = 5 iperf3: OUT...
public void CheckPendingAcks(object o) { Console.WriteLine("Checking for missing ACKs"); byte currentPosition = 0; while(!closingSender) { Thread.Sleep(10); ResendNextPacket(ref currentPosition, 10, DateTime.Now.Ticks - TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond / 10); } } void...
udp_recv( mPcb, [](void* arg, udp_pcb* pcb, pbuf* p, const ip_addr_t* addr, u16_t port) { printf("Received packet!\n"); }, nullptr); But my issue is: What next? Specifically, what do I need to call in my update function to see if there are new packets and have this...
Re: What is the minimum-size UDP packet? > TCP server multi-threaded if you haven't done so. I chose to have one[color=blue] > thread for listening, 1 thread for all of the clients (it traverses a[/color] vector[color=blue] > of clients, sending/receieving for each client as ...
$IncomingPacket.handleMyMessage(TP.java:1830) at org.jgroups.protocols.TP$IncomingPacket.run(TP.java:1809) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908) at java.lang.Thread....
In fact, even if the receiver is struggling to process incoming packets, UDP just keeps on blasting them out. The decision to use TCP or UDP often comes down to how much you can tolerate packet losses and delays. In other words, it’s a question of whether you prefer accurate or ...
Hello all, I have a UDP TX socket and a UDP RX socket. I am using a semaphore to trigger a UDP TX since I have control over when to transmit a packet in my code
-l, --listen Bind and listen for incoming connections -k, --keep-open Accept multiple connections in listen mode -n, --nodns Do not resolve hostnames via DNS -t, --telnet Answer Telnet negotiations -u, --udp Use UDP instead of default TCP ...