3. 序列图示例 下面是一个使用mermaid语法中的sequenceDiagram标识的UDP数据传输的序列图: ServerClientServerClient发送UDP数据包返回UDP响应数据包 结论 通过本文的介绍,我们了解了如何在Android设备上使用Packet Capture工具来抓取UDP数据包,并学习了在Android应用中发送和接收UDP数据包的示例代码。希望这些内容能帮助开发...
client.close(); 1. Sequence Diagram The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of communication between the UDP client and server: ServerClientServerClientUDP communicationSend messageReceive message Gantt Chart The Gantt chart below visualizes the timeline of events in the UDP client: 2022-0...
Figure 7-37 Networking diagram for configuring a UDP test instance Configuration Roadmap The configuration roadmap is as follows: Configure SwitchA as an NQA client and configure SwitchC as an NQA server. Configure the port number monitored by the NQA server and create an NQA UDP ...
我忘了我的默认是什么了,组件中有一个Socket的类型,可以设置为stStream或stDigram,据我的测试,使用时两者的区别并不大。不过,既然给了Diagram方式,我感觉可能对于非连续的数据应该这种方式比较好点。 提供的测试例子 里面有个测试的例子,包括Client和Server,后来为了方便,把两个界面弄成了一个界面,目录为Merger。当...
Figure 7-24 Networking diagram for configuring a UDP test instance Configuration Roadmap The configuration roadmap is as follows: Configure RouterA as an NQA client and configure RouterC as an NQA server. Configure the port number monitored by the NQA server and create an NQA UDP te...
The client who needs to terminate the connection sends aFINsegment to the server that is a TCP Packet with theFINflag set, indicating that it has finished sending the data. The server, upon receiving theFINsegment, does not terminate the connection but enters into a "passive close" (CLOSE_...
It is also assumed that Phantun Client listens for incoming UDP packets at (the --local option for client) and connects to Phantun Server at (the --remote option for client).Phantun creates TUN interface for both the Client and Server. For Client, Phantun ...
Muduo采用经典的Reactor架构,支持以线程池的方式实现多线程并发处理。 一、socket通信架构 二、muduo tcp网络架构 话不多说,直接上图 下面,对TCP server和client中用到的主要类进行说明 线程池管理用到的三个类:EventLoopThreadPool、EventLoopThread、Thread 1、 用于创建和管理线程池:Event... ...
intserverSocket; structsockaddr_in serverAddress,clientAddress; charbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; // Create socket serverSocket=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,0); if(serverSocket<0){ perror("Socket creation failed"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Bind socket to port ...
{publicclassUdpServerAsync {#regionFieldsprivateint_maxClient;privateSocket _serverSock;privateList<EndPoint>_clients;privatebooldisposed =false;privatebyte[] _recvBuffer;#endregion#regionPropertiespublicboolIsRunning {get;privateset; }publicIPAddress Address {get;privateset; }publicintPort {get;privatese...