Thelocalhostis resolved to the IPv6 address[::1]and then the IPv4 address127.0.0.1, and UdpSocket will only bind to the first address if successful. So the UDP socket is bound to an IPv6 address, and can only send data to IPv6 hosts. Meanwhile,example.comis first resolved to the IPv...
在文章Backdooring PE Files with Shellcode中介绍了一种在正常程序中注入shellcode的方式,让程序以前的...
可能是某个基于UDP协议的网络应用程序想要访问网络但是失败留下的日志 应该是某种软件需要更新,但是被你自己电脑的防火墙等等之类的阻隔 无法访问网络 留下这个日志给应用程序自己处理的
socket.AF_INET:IPV4 6 # - socket.STREAM:TCP 7 # - socket.DGRAM:UDP 8 9 s.bind...