Advantages and Disadvantages of other wireless technologies
Here’s a detailed breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of TCP and UDP: Advantages of TCP Transmission control protocol (TCP) is the protocol to choose for maximum reliability and quality. It may not be the fastest, but it gets the job done right. Here are a few advantages of the...
The captured packets by Sniffer in communication experimental were analyzed in detail to verify the network model and the network communication program, summed up the advantages and disadvantages of UDP protocol. Key words: UDP; communication; packet analysis; sniffer UDP是User Datagram Protocol的简称,...
ThecapturedpacketsbySnifferincommunicationexperimentalwere analyzedindetailtoverifythenetworkmodelandthenetwork communicationprogram,summeduptheadvantagesand disadvantagesofUDPprotocol。 Keywords:UDP;communication;packetanalysis;sniffer UDP是UserDatagramProtocol的简称,是TCP/IP体系结构中一种无连接的传输层协议,提供面向...
In real-time control systems, a fast and reliable data transmission mechanism is necessary. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the existing data transmission protocol and proposes a data transmission protocol called Deque-ERUDP (Deque Efficient and Reliable Protocol Based on UDP) ...
We've discussed how to create connections for Unity games using TCP, UDP, and WebSockets, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. Despite the lightweight nature of UDP and the reliability of TCP, neither is a good choice for organizing real-time multiplayer in games. UDP will...
tcp and udp both have their advantages and disadvantages,the mai n difference between them lies in the connection state. applications choose accord to the actual usage. winsock can be used to write client and server applications without the need of knowing details of the tcp/ip. by setting ...
Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to: describe the mission, scope, addressing mechanism, data types and responsibilities of the Transport Layer. explain UDP, including advantages/disadvantages, segment format, and reliability assumptions. ...
In this paper,explain the impact of NAT on the SIP communication in detail,introduce the basic principle of UDP hole punching technology,the process of using UDP hole punching through the cone NAT and using the Http proxy gateway through various NAT. Compared the advantages and disadvantage...