UDL 356 UDL Classroom Learning Personalized Learning 356 Tips, Tricks and Tools to Build Your Inclusive Classroom Through UDL Edsurge AUGUST 13, 2018 Many educators know it as the building blocks behind Universal Design for Learning, or UDL. Developed by CAST , UDL is comprised of three guiding...
Development tips and tricks compiling for debugging Run configure with the --enable-debug option, then make. Or run configure with CXXFLAGS="-g -ggdb -O0" or whatever debug flags you need. debug.log If the code is behaving strangely, take a look in the debug.log file in the data dire...
EduProtocols activities can be used again and again to engage and teach. Here's how they look in a full unit.
Hi, We hope you had a chance to try ourprevious EAP buildwith lots of changes in CMake workflow and improved overload resolution support. Today we are rolling out another EAP build, 163.7342.13. As usual, a patch update will be rolled out shortly for those using the previous EAP (163.69...
In August, in Muli, there were clouds flowing in the sky, green grass and yellow flowers, out of sight of the heavy trucks on the road, or coal ash covering the sky. 聚乎更五号井,曾是木里矿区最大的露天采坑,海拔4200多米,属青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州天峻县,距县城150多公里。 Juhugeng...