2012年2月,Eucomed发布了《基于风险管理的不同包装级别医疗器械UDI标识要求》,该文件基于欧盟医疗器械分类III、IIb、IIa和I,对应的美国分类是3、2和1类,提出了不同包装等级下UDI的标识要求,见下表: IMDRF 国际医疗器械监管机构论坛:UDI Guidance-Unique Device Identification(UDI) of Medical Devices (2013新版),...
1.3 欧盟 2013年4月,欧盟发布《UDI系统通用框架的指导意见》,2017年5月发布《医疗器械法规》(Medical Device Regulation,MDR)。欧盟医疗器械数据库(European database on medical devices,EudaMED)作为新法规的重要组成部分,旨在加强欧洲市场医疗器械的监督和透明度,包含医疗器械本身的综合数据、UDI数据及医疗器械所...
The implementation process of the Unique Device Identification (UDI) for medical devices involves several steps to ensure the traceability and safety of these devices throughout their lifecycle. Firstly, the UDI system requires manufacturers to assign a unique identifier to each medical device. This id...
具体程序是分销商或进口商质量管理体系的一部分。需要了解额外更多的信息,可参考 2018.10.10 发布的《MDCG2018-6 Clarifications of UDI related responsibilities inrelation toArticle 16 of the Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 andtheIn-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation 2017/746》。
b) 510K号(Premarket Submission Number)c) 产品列名号(Listing Number)d) GMDN Code/FDA PT Code e) 产品分类代码(Product Code)录入步骤 第一步:申请办理GUDID管理者(Coordinator)账号 账号申请链接:https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/global-unique-device-identification-database-gudid/request-gudid...
IMDRF 国际医疗器械监管机构论坛:UDI Guidance-Unique Device Identification(UDI) of Medical Devices (2013新版) EU欧盟:Medical Device Directives Revision (2012) Article 24 规定了,除定制或用于实验的医疗器械都需要使用UDI系统。 US美国:FDA Final Rule 24.09.13, FD...
Sisma automatic loading solutions for high productivity Process automation plays a huge role in the manufacturing of medical devices. Reducing errors and cycle time allows to reduce production costs and increase safety. The SART platform, with dial rotating table, allows loading of the parts to be ...
IMDRF 国际医疗器械监管机构论坛:UDI Guidance-Unique Device Identification(UDI) of Medical Devices (2013新版),附件有对不同包装等级UDI标志更详细的要求。见下表。MDRF提及建立全体会员国联网的UDI数据库,但目前仍处于建立阶段。有些会员国自己有独立的识别码数据库,但并不兼容UDI数据库的都将需要改革。
有用的信息: 欧洲联盟委员会医疗器械网页https://ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/medical-devices/new-regulations_en 欧盟委员会关于UDI的常见问题https://ec.europa.eu/docsroom/documents/36664 所属分类:中国商务服务网 / 检测认证 关于深圳市贝华检测技术有限公司商铺首页 | 更多产品 | 联系方式 | 黄页介绍 成...
After much work and research, the Food and Drug Administration is preparing to publish a proposed rule for unique device identifier (UDI) standards for medical devices. The UDI would be used to identify a vast array of medical products and would streamline the hospital supply chain while ...