Linkedin Learning 也是个人比喜欢的平台,适合零基础小白入门,也适合转行入门。有结课证书。讲师也都是各个大厂工程师,但讲得相对Udemy来说基础一些,也更耐心,手把手教一些。但重点是,超级简洁和短平快。特点是能在1小时让你快速入门一个技术如:Django+React。而且实用性也不差,因为是手把手带你从无到有写个小项目...
LinkedIn Learning instructors, on the other hand, are like a middle ground between Udemy and Coursera instructors. In some courses, you get tutored by senior lecturers from universities, and in others, you get tutored by successful real-world professionals actively practicing in their fields. It'...
Coursera- A very popular online learning platform that partners with several universities and education organizations to offer a wide range of courses and degrees. LinkedIn Learning- A business-oriented online learning platform that provides courses taught by industry professionals. ...
Coursera is considered as the best alternative for Udemy; although it has lesser number of courses comparatively, they are tough to be top university professors. You can join most courses for free to boost your learning and even if you want to receive certification for your skills, you can ...
Udemy 的替代方案包括提供创意课程的 Skillshare,而 Coursera 提供来自顶级机构的课程。 LinkedIn Learning 专注于专业技能,Pluralsight 专注于技术。 Khan Academy 提供免费的教育内容,Codecademy 则强调编码技能。 Skillshare: A平台基于创意和技能的在线课程。
1. Coursera Coursera是一个提供在线课程的平台,拥有超过4000门课程,涵盖了计算机科学、人文艺术、商业管理等多个领域。在这里,你可以学习到最前沿的技术,提升自己的职业竞争力。此外,Coursera还提供了认证证书,让你的学习成果更加有说服力。无论你是想增加技能、提升职业竞争力,还是纯粹追求知识,Coursera都是你的不二...
一、Coursera ( 作为一个全球性的在线教育平台,Coursera提供了大量来自世界顶级大学的课程,涵盖了计算机科学、商业管理等多个领域。您可以根据自己的兴趣和需求选择合适的课程进行学习,提升自己的专业技能。 二、Udemy ( ...
Also Read: Apart from Udemy, there are multitudes of ed-tech companies and digital learning platforms that provide several courses. Some of the major online course providers are tabulated below: Coursera Courses & Certifications Google Courses & Certifications Udacity Courses & Certifications Amazon Co...
一、Coursera 作为一个提供各种在线课程的平台,Coursera涵盖了从艺术到工程的各个领域。通过参加这些课程,您可以学习到新的技能,提升自己的专业知识,从而在工作中取得更好的成绩。 二、Udemy Udemy是一个在线学习平台,提供了大量的课程供您选择。无论您是想学习编程、设计还是其他任何领域,Udemy都能为您提供丰富的学习...
Coursera - A very popular online learning platform that partners with several universities and education organizations to offer a wide range of courses and degrees.LinkedIn Learning - A business-oriented online learning platform that provides courses taught by industry professionals.PricingWhile this ...