Re:UDCCLauncherService appeared on my computer Hello, Could your computer be plugged into (or have been plugged into) a Lenovo peripheral or accessory in the past? Some Lenovo peripherals are "smart" or IoT-enabled devices and have device drivers or services that get installed/updated on compu...
Auf Google lässt sich zu diesem ominösen UDCCLauncherService nichts finden. Was hat es damit auf sich? Hallo, ich finde nur etwas zu UDC, aber nicht UDCC:what-service-is-this-that-lenovo-suddently-has-installed-yesterday - English Community - LENOVO COMMUNITY Hattest du ans...
After connecting the M14 portable monitor to any of my machines, it is installing a software called LenovoUDCC Launcher Service without my consent, or my permission! I DO NOT WANT IT OR NEITHER DO I HAVE A NEED FOR IT! It proceeds to install it automatica...