2015年九月底我一咬牙一跺脚注册Data Analyst Nanoegree的课程集。每个月要交200美元,还好我比较争气,原本是六到十二个月的课程,两个月就被我完成了。得到Nanodegree证书后,可以拿回一半的学费,我算是比计划省了白花花的一千美元。贫穷催人奋进呀。这个Nanodegree包括7个必须完成的主要project, 还有3个相对容易的proje...
本以为Udacity的类型和其他也差不多,就是注册上课考试练习一类的。不过这次接触后,还是觉得Udacity的模式让我觉得学习起来感觉很不同。 首先,有学习小组的这个模式,让我觉得学习起来并不孤单。以往的模式,会让人觉得自己是一个人在奋斗,在遇到困难或者没法完成的时候,会给人更大的挫折感与失落感。而有了学习小组,相...
udacity-data-science:Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree的项目工作 行业研究 - 数据集lo**浪荡 上传28.15MB 文件格式 zip HTML 数据分析师纳米度 关于 该存储库包含自2014年11月针对Udacity的项目工作。 专案 p1-分析纽约地铁数据集 p2-数据缠绕OpenStreetMaps数据 p3-探索和汇总数据 p4-从安然电子邮件中识别欺诈 ...
啊,时光如逝岁月如歌,又到了每月总结的阶段了。 经历了三月份的统计理论项目,四月份开始正式接触了Python的操作项目,和三月份的统计理论来说,四月份更加倾向于利用工具来帮助统计分析,目前已经完成了P2,我…
成功的数据分析师具有一套独特的技能,对于渴望制定以数据为动力的业务决策的组织而言,它们具有重要的价值。 在Udacity纳米学位计划中,我学会了使用Python,SQL和统计信息来发现见解,交流关键发现并创建数据驱动的解决方案。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
Top Nanodegree Programs at Udacity Let us take a look at the most popular Nanodegree programs you can take on Udacity. 1.Data Engineer Learn to design data models, build data warehouses and data lakes, automate data pipelines, and work with massive datasets ...
Ben, Business Analyst Nanodegree program graduate I started with the basics, completed a Nanodegree program, and gained so much experience. I'm now in a new Android job! Mahmoud, Android Developer Nanodegree program graduate Udacity gave me the tools to advance my career--I am now spearheading...
Ben, Business Analyst Nanodegree program graduate I started with the basics, completed a Nanodegree program, and gained so much experience. I'm now in a new Android job! Mahmoud, Android Developer Nanodegree program graduate Udacity gave me the tools to advance my career--I am now spearheading...
Ben, Business Analyst Nanodegree program graduate I started with the basics, completed a Nanodegree program, and gained so much experience. I'm now in a new Android job! Mahmoud, Android Developer Nanodegree program graduate Udacity gave me the tools to advance my career--I am now spearheading...
2Total price of $846 for a 4-month bundle, based on the average time to complete a Nanodegree program. Udacity for Business Buying for a business? Check out our business plans.Learn More Data Engineering with AWS (1248) 2 months Intermediate AI Programming with Python (624) 3 months Beginn...