成功的数据分析师具有一套独特的技能,对于渴望制定以数据为动力的业务决策的组织而言,它们具有重要的价值。 在Udacity纳米学位计划中,我学会了使用Python,SQL和统计信息来发现见解,交流关键发现并创建数据驱动的解决方案。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 jprofiler-windows-x64-14-0-5.zip ...
learning education udacity nanodegree nanodegree-programs udacity-nanodegree never-stop-learning Updated May 16, 2024 mithi / robotics-coursework Star 2.7k Code Issues Pull requests 🤖 Places where you can learn robotics (and stuff like that) online 🤖 learning computer-science udacity algori...
Free Udacity Courses There are hundreds of free courses available on Udacity. Most of these courses are geared towards providing an introduction to the Nanodegree programs, such as Intro to Data Science and Intro to Data Analysis. Other course are related to career advancement and interview preparat...
This is an Udacity Nanodegree project.I was interested in using Tweet Data to better understand: What is the total number of tweets over time to see whether that number increases, or decreases, over time. what is the retweet counts, and favorite counts comparison over time. What is the mo...
udacity-data-science:Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree的项目工作 行业研究 - 数据集lo**浪荡 上传28.15MB 文件格式 zip HTML 数据分析师纳米度 关于 该存储库包含自2014年11月针对Udacity的项目工作。 专案 p1-分析纽约地铁数据集 p2-数据缠绕OpenStreetMaps数据 p3-探索和汇总数据 p4-从安然电子邮件中识别欺诈 ...
在迷恋数据科学很久后,我决定要在MOOC网站上拿到一份Data Science的证书。美国三个MOOC网站,Udacity上的课程已经被分成了数个nanodegree,每个nanodegree都是目前IT方面最火的技术领域,很像职业技能培训。Coursera和Edx致力于把大学课程搬到网上,最大程度地模拟在大学里面的学习体验。这三大MOOC网站都从完全免费,转向了全部...
本以为Udacity的类型和其他也差不多,就是注册上课考试练习一类的。不过这次接触后,还是觉得Udacity的模式让我觉得学习起来感觉很不同。 首先,有学习小组的这个模式,让我觉得学习起来并不孤单。以往的模式,会让人觉得自己是一个人在奋斗,在遇到困难或者没法完成的时候,会给人更大的挫折感与失落感。而有了学习小组,相...
This repository showcases my project on wrangling and analyzing the WeRateDogs Twitter dataset as part of Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree. The project focuses on gathering, assessing, cleaning, and analyzing Twitter data to uncover trends and patterns
Udacity's Data Analyst Nanodegree - Project 5. Contribute to tashbettridge/Ford-GoBike-System-Data development by creating an account on GitHub.
fix_datatypes_cyl_solutions.ipynb Add files via upload 15 months ago fix_datatypes_mpg_greenhouse_solutions.ipynb Add files via upload 15 months ago wine_visualizations_solutions.ipynb Add files via upload 15 months ago README.md DataAnalystNanodegreeAbout...