UCT Faculty of Health Sciences Centenary 1912-2012doi:10.7196/SAMJ.5933Jacobs, MarianSAMJ: South African Medical Journal
Truth and reconciliation, a process of transformation at UCT Health Sciences Faculty. NRF Grant Summary Report 15/1/3/21/002: Social Transformation in South Africa. Edited by: London L, Perez G. 2002, University of Cape Town, 184-251. [http://www.health.uct.ac.za/transformation/pdfs/...
The Primary Health Care (PHC) Approach was adopted by the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1994 as a policy to guide its teaching, research, clinical service, and community engagement. The PHC Approach h... J Irlam,MJ Keikelame,L Vivian - 《African Jou...
Health Sciences Faculty - Amathuba45 minutes Science Faculty - Amathuba45 minutes CHED Faculty - Amathuba45 minutes EBE Faculty - Amathuba45 minutes Law Faculty - Amathuba45 minutes Humanities Faculty - Amathuba45 minutes ...
This study (NCT 02285049) was approved by Siriraj Institutional Review Board, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital. The ethics approval number is SI 558/2014. On the first visit (day 0), patients were instructed how to complete the questionnaires: (i) the validated Thai version of CU-Q2oL,...
UniversityoftheWitwatersrand,Johannesburg:SchoolofEducation,FacultyofHumanities,GeographyDepartment,Social&EconomicSciencesDivision. 14 STELLENBOSCHUNIVERSITY:GeographyandEnvironmentalStudies 19 UniversityofSouthAfrica:DepartmentofGeography 28 TheUniversityofSouthAfrica:DepartmentofEnvironmentalScience 42 UniversityofFortHare:...
Snegir N.V. Application of Hematopoietic Cells of Human Embryonic Liver in Treatment of Cytostatic Myelodepression in Patients with Tumor Process // Actual Problems of Internal Medicine, Medical Ethics and Education. Proceedings of the Symposium Devoted to the 150th Anniversary of the Faculty Therapy...
Centenary of the UCT Faculty of Health SciencesSeggie, Janet L.Fieggen, GrahamGreenberg, JacquelineKathard, HarshaHenley, LesleySAMJ: South African Medical Journal
Efforts to redress racial and gender inequalities in the training of medical specialists has been a central part of a dedicated programme in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town (UCT). This study aimed to describe trends in race and gender profiles of postgraduate ...
Truth and reconciliation, a process of transformation at UCT Health Sciences Faculty. NRF Grant Summary Report 15/1/3/21/002: Social Transformation in South Africa. Edited by: London L, Perez G. 2002, University of Cape Town, 184-251. [http://www.health.uct.ac.za/transformation/pdfs/...