UCSF Health-UCSF Medical Center in San Francisco, CA is on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll. It is nationally ranked in 13 adult and 11 pediatric specialties and rated high performing in 1 adult specialty and 18 procedures and conditions. It is a general medical and surgical facility. It is a...
加州大学旧金山分校医疗中心(UCSF Health)是加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF,全称 University of California, San Francisco)的教学医院,医院致力于通过先进的生物医学、生命科学和健康专业的研究生教育以及卓越的患者护理促进全球健康。 UCSF医疗中心下辖三家顶级医院...
San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center 有超过240名全职或兼职的UCSF医生在此工作,是UCSF住院医师的主要教学医院之一,有三分之一的UCSF医学学生在此进行临床培训。 NCIRE-退伍军人健康研究所 NCIRE-The Veterans Health Research Institute 加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校 该研究所是一个致力于退伍军人健康的非盈利、私...
UCSF Medical Center. 电话:(415) 476-1000 地址:505 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94122 UCSF Medical Center at Parnassus UCSF Medical Center is one of the
UCSF Medical Center Ways We Are Keeping You Safe During COVID-19: Learn about the precautions we have in place to protect your health at our hospitals and clinics. Telehealth Video Visits Available: UCSF Health offers video visits for many health care needs... Hours: 12:01 AM - 12:00 AM...
UCSF Medical Center Ways We Are Keeping You Safe During COVID-19: Learn about the precautions we have in place to protect your health at our hospitals and clinics. Telehealth Video Visits Available: UCSF Health offers video visits for many health care needs... Hours: 12:02 AM - 12:00 AM...
UCSF Medical Center加州大学旧金山分校 排名:综合排名第四,神经专科排名:3(2019-20美国医院排名) 详细信息 医院介绍 5位诺贝尔奖得主 加州大学旧金山分校(简称“UCSF”)直播盒子是一个集前沿医学研究、医学教学与卓越患者护理于一体的综合医疗系统。从心脏病、免疫学疾病的治疗直播盒子到对妇女及儿童的专业治疗服务直播...
在2019年7月底,USNews根据对全国4650多家医院的评估,发布了“2019-2020年最佳医院排名”。调查结果显示,UCSF Medical Center被评为全美精英医院之一,排名第七。这是UCSF Health连续第21年进入该榜单前10,也是北加州最佳医院。 而学校的开设的基础科学、社会科学和全球健康的研究生项目也是全美顶尖水准。UCSF医学中心有...
1. UCSF Medical Center, San Francisco 2. UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles 3. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles 4. Stanford Health Care-Stanford Hospital, Stanford 5. University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento 6. Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla, La Jolla 7. Keck Hospi...