大学本科阶段具体费用清单如下: 境外留学生学费(Tuition and Fees):$46,305美元/年 书本费(Books and Supplies):$1557 食宿费用(Room and Board):$15645 交通费用(Transportation):$405 医疗保险费(Health Insurance):$1959 个人花费(Personal):$1506 加州大学圣地亚哥分校研究生/博士阶段费用: UCSD研究生留学费用...
Out-of-state students interested in applying to UC San Diego can expect the out-of-state acceptance rate to diminish further in the next five years, as the institution has been charged withreducing non-Californian undergraduate enrollment by 4%(from over 22% to 18%). This means that there ...