Offering more than 140 undergraduate majors, 500 student organizations, and an award-winning faculty, the University of California at San Diego is one of thebest public collegesin the United States. Many out-of-state students apply to UCSD for a chance to engage in a rigorous college curriculum...
Acceptance rate 34% PublicschoolinCaliforniawith33,000total undergraduate students Urban Far West Medical school On campus housing Division II Independents 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093 (858) 534-2230 Chancing What are your chances of acceptance?
But UCSD has eight academic enrichment programs to encourage undergraduate research as well as an Academic Internship Program. UCSD is the most residential of the UC system campuses; nearly 40 percent of the undergraduates live on campus. UCSD’s residential college system helps make this v...
childhood, primary and secondary school years, undergraduate years, and, if applicable, what you’ve done since completing your bachelor’s degree. You should also discuss the motivational factors which led you to a career in medicine, including any disadvantages or obstacles which might put your ...