看了很多我平常自己根本不会看的中文小说和电影(还有不少被那啥的书和电影,记忆犹新看了学校library reserve的正版色 戒还写了一整夜观后感分析哈哈哈哈)。然后每节课就是看电影,当堂写点感言回答问题,作业就是看书回答问题。都是很主观的问题!书和电影都是根据每个quarter的topic定的,我觉得从另一个角度看看自己...
and support many thousands of researchers around the country, but we reserve Frontera for the very largest projects. And we only have about 705 projects on the machine at a given time, so that each user can get enough time and big enough run to tackle some of these large problems. ...