Co-insurance:赔付比率,即每次医疗支出中保险公司承担的费用比率。 Out of pocket maximum:最高自付额,指保险周期内自己需要支付的上限,达到这一数值后保险公司100%赔付。 Copay:自付金额。 Coinsurance:保险赔付金额。 Monthly rate:每月保险费。 Annual max:每年最多报销额度,通常无上限。 Per event:每笔账单最高...
Out-of-state students interested in applying to UC San Diego can expect the out-of-state acceptance rate to diminish further in the next five years, as the institution has been charged withreducing non-Californian undergraduate enrollment by 4%(from over 22% to 18%). This means that there ...
When external agencies provide stipends/salary at rate less than the University’s established minimums, the mentor/PI is required to arrange for additional funding to bring the pay level up the established minimum. Appointments are at 100% full time. APPOINTMENT PROCESS General overview Faculty/Me...