还有一点就是UMich是可以申请PhD然后降MS录取的,所以如果同学们想要读PhD的话直接申请就可以了。如果同学们先申请MS,来到这边之后再想要转为PhD名额并不是很多,所以大家一定要提早做好规划,决定自己是不是要读PhD,这样也可以避免那些不必要的麻烦。 项目选课 UMich在前几年申请十分的火爆,因为这个学校的项目对于转码...
The program can be completed full- or part-time via distance education. The program must be comp...
PhD student here, but I spend some time at GPS. As far as I know, TAships are fairly rare for GPS students - econ/poli sci have their own grad students - but I do know people on RAships. I disagree that TA and RA (GSR or Graduate Student Researcher is the more common term) ...