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大家好!在CSSA新一届Committee成立之际,欢迎同学们选择风景优美、气候宜人的San Diego。为了帮助同学们能够顺利适应美国的生活,UCSD CSSA全体Committee Member参与整理了一份新生FAQ(Version 3),希望能够为同学们提供有针对性的建议,减少大家临行前和初到美国时不必要的麻烦。FAQ (Version 4)在FAQ(Version 3)...
On Campus at UC San Diego Day CampsOvernight CampsRunning from June 23 - August 8 Get a taste of collegiate life this summer at University of California, San Diego! Our La Jolla coding camps strike the perfect balance between STEM skill development and summer fun, allowing kids and teens to...
我第一个面试是UMass,之后其他on campus visit大同小异,都是一个模式:周四晚上到,晚上项目会组织graduate students和interviewees的聚餐;第二天早上有orientation,chair和committee member会介绍一下项目的总体情况(环境、软硬实力、培养方案、津贴),紧接着就是马不停蹄的面试。每个interviewee会有一个host student,最...